Something about life…

Hello, Hello, Hello, life shouts at you…

Hello, again…it screams…

What are you doing?!

What do you think?!

What do you feel?!

What do you want?!

We are so caught up living and stressing about everything that we shouldn’t, that we forget that all of these things mean nothing really.

I saw and talked to people who have problems, real problems… yes, I know that everyone has theirs.. but as long as you are breathing and are psychically and physically fit ..don’t worry.

I always thought that it is so easy spreading good vibes and do acts of love and giving someone a reason to smile.. to sum it up, spreading happiness and beauty.. but we rarely think and act like that..

So, here is what I dare you.. spread kindness, appreciate your life; forget about the reasons why you are sad if it isn’t something very important and share love and happiness around…and you’ll see…life will change!

What are you standing here for?! You have a job to do!

Good luck.

Spread love.


Autor: zPaula

Love is my religion

6 gânduri despre „Something about life…”

  1. And when you are doing this and you get back only disappointment? when all you want to do in life is to make happy the ppl you love and you see that for them is never enough … they want more or they turn your back to you what do you do? So my question… for how long you need to do that to see a change in your life?


  2. Disappointment comes from expectations you have from people..the image in your head of how it is supposed to be. Everyone should live their life as they want to do it.. I just wanted to point out that life would be better if we kept positive vibes and spread them around..what the other ones do/perceive with them/from this..well..that’s another story.
    Usually what goes around, comes around. 🙂

    „What if the world could just love?!”


  3. With the first sentence you are right, but if you give love and care…and life give you back only short moments of happiness and after that is putting you at the ground and let you with no power to get up… Where is the sense? Why to struggle if no matter how many time you try the end is the same? End you try to do it different every time.
    What do you feel? Pain
    What do you want? A heart of stone
    What are you doing? I am fighting every day to breath. Because it hurts even when I breath…
    And this is all because of you Life. Because you punish only the people with good heart and you give luck to the ppl who don’t care about others


    1. Suferinta e un sentiment care iti apartine tie in totalitate. Nu are de-a face cu alte persoane. Cauzele ei sunt mai adanci decat ti-ai putea inchipui. La o introspectie poate ai realiza acest lucru. Toti fel cum toti avem momente de fericire autentica.. Treaba e ca in povestea aceea cu optimistul sau pesimistul..paharul plin sau gol… frumosul sau uratul in jur si oameni. Sunt alegeri.
      Fericirea, tristetea.. toate sentimentele acestea sunt ceva ce-ti apartin si ce alegi zilnic. Nu te adanci in sentimente negative. Iesi de acolo.
      Gandesti.. treci la fapte..iti construiesti viata.. alege sa fie cu good vibes.


  4. e usor de spus cand primesti lovitura dupa lovitura si nu sti ce sa faci ca sa te retragi intr-un loc in care sa fi cat de cat ferit … cat despre cauze… le cunosc prea bine, dar nimic nu se schimba peste noapte… iar in ziua de azi… everybody is running and they have no patience… they lost this quality …


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